Having announced this in our email list and on our Facebook pages, I’ll say it here for you website readers:

Easy Street Recumbents is shutting down showroom operations.

The Austin showroom will shut down at the end of April 2023.  Mike will switch to doing trike repair work by appointment, using the same phone number.  His website will be tricyclewizard.com, email at mike@tricyclewizard.com.  This website will be live by May.

The Fort Worth shop closes at the end of July 2023.  Micah will either switch to repair service by appointment or else run his own storefront if he can get the funding.  He hasn’t worked out his branding yet.

Anyone who has a trike of ours will still have repair services available.  Yes, it will be more hassle, and there won’t be a trike showroom to hang about in, but we’re not leaving you in the lurch.  We offer our condolences to our customers for this additional hassle.

You need not offer condolences to Mike, who initiated this whole thing.  He’s quite tired of spending $8000 per month to keep a showroom for $150,000 worth of inventory.  This is a guy who’s never been into “stuff.”  He’s happy to sell it down and get on with another re-invention of himself… light out for the territories in some cutie-pie’s travel trailer, hop another freight train, or astral travel about the cosmos in the company of large, benevolent fungi.  Congratulations are in order here. He’ll be back to adjust your brakes, as he does have house payments to make.  He’ll likely start doing handyman work, and pursuing some other gigs he’s had in mind.  Maybe he’ll learn French (he is a Polish citizen, after all).

Micah, in Fort Worth, is being inconvenienced by this, but he’ll get to graduate to being his own boss and setting up an operation according to his own design.  Best of luck to him.  He’s where he needs to be.

When Easy Street started there wasn’t much of anything in recumbent support in Texas.  Planetary Cycles in Houston had always been doing some recumbents on the side, but didn’t broadly advertise it, and they are still around.  There is now a demo only showroom in San Antonio, and recumbent specialists to the north and south of Dallas.

A big thanks to all our customers for supporting us, and supporting us still.  We’ll be hanging onto the same phone numbers.




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